Board of Trustees
Vania Montero Wit '86
Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, United Airlines
Betty Kosky Harn '82
Senior Vice President, Marquette Bank
Tim Doody
Attorney, Weis DuBrock Doody and Maher
Dana Simaitis Armagno '85
Operating Shareholder, Vedder Price
Shay Brokemond
VP Corporate Development, CL Enterprises
Carey Temple Harrington '86
President, Mother McAuley
Beth Hart
Former School Administrator, Professor and Teacher
Patrick Hurless
Investment Professional
Sister Kathleen McClelland, RSM
Former Vocation Minister for the Sisters of Mercy
Laurel Azzarello McGrath '72
Retired IT Strategist
Megan McKenna '99
Head of Creative, Grant Thornton
Ellen Gergits Metz '96
Chief of Schools, Noble Schools
Kate O'Neill '96
Chief Financial Officer, Built In
Jil Simpson Ross '82
Screenwriter & Producer
Hon. Pam Ingersol Saindon '80
Associate Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County
Nancy Schwaller '83
Agency Principal, Schwaller Insurance Agency
Mary Carol Witry '86
Retired Chief Strategy Officer
Academic Affairs Committee
Dr. Beth Hart
Board Members
Mrs. Carey Temple Harrington '86
Mrs. Laurel Azzarello McGrath '72 Ms. Ellen Gergits Metz '96
Non-Board Members
Mrs. Deb Baker
Dr. Ann Marie Kordeck Riordan '88
Staff Members
Dr. Kathryn Baal
Ms. Sandra Smycz
Audit and Risk Management Committee
Ms. Mary Carol Witry '86
Board Members
Mrs. Dana Simaitis Armagno '85
Mrs. Carey Temple Harrington '86
Ms. Nancy M. Schwaller '83
Non-Board Members
Ms. Jennifer Johnston '92 Mr. Robert Millerick Ms. Mary Ellen Moriarty '73
Staff Member
Mrs. Beth Meyers Shibata '03
Finance Committee
Mr. Tim Doody
Board Members
Mrs. Shay Brokemond
Mrs. Carey Temple Harrington '86
Mr. Patrick Hurless
Ms. Kate O'Neill '96
Non-Board Member
Ms. Lisa Stephens Janek '84 Ms. Theresa Lavelle '06
Staff Member
Mrs. Beth Meyers Shibata '03
Institutional Advancement Committee
Mrs. Betty Kosky Harn '82
Board Members
Mrs. Carey Temple Harrington '86
Ms. Megan McKenna '99
Non-Board Members
Mrs. Kate Shannon Boyle '82
Sister Cathleen Cahill, RSM
Ms. Anne L. Czarnecki '98
Ms. Kathleen Moody Malone '97 Mrs. Morgan Ingersoll Winters '03
Staff Member
Mrs. Peggy Evans Rourke '76
Mission and Governance Committee
Mrs. Vania Montero Wit '86
Board Members
Mrs. Carey Temple Harrington '86
Sister Kathleen McClelland, RSM
Mrs. Jil Simpson Ross '82 Hon. Pamela Ingersol Saindon '80
Non-Board Members
Ms. Kathleen Burke '82
Are you interested in joining the Mother McAuley Board of Trustees or one of its committees?
Let us know you're interested in becoming involved
Once the form is completed, a member of our Mission and Governance committee will reach out to you.
Thanks for your interest and support of Mother McAuley!
Sister Cathleen Cahill, RSM
Named in 2022
Sister Dolly Cypser, RSM
Named in 2017
Mr. Fran Houlihan
Named in 2014
Sr. Marion Johnson, RSM
Named in 2024
Mr. Robert Kuenster
Named in 2014
Mr. Raymond Lazzara
Named in 2018
Mr. Stephen Ligda (deceased)
Named in 2017
Sister Teresa Maltby, RSM
Named in 2015
Sister Mary Catherine McDonagh
Named in 2019
Sister Patricia A. Murphy, RSM (deceased)
Named in 2020
Sister Ruth Mutchler, RSM (deceased)
Named in 2018
Sister Sue Sanders '69, RSM
Named in 2016
Mr. John Scanlan
Named in 2020
Mrs. Susan Scully Schultz '73
Named in 2019
Sister Betty Smith, RSM
Named in 2014
Mrs. Carol Groesbeck Sullivan '68
Named in 2015
Mrs. Carole Intrieri Wilson '68
Named in 2016