We believe a school for girls is better than a SCHOOL with girls

High school is a time for new beginnings: lifelong friendships, unforgettable experiences, and invaluable opportunities.

At Mother McAuley, you have the opportunity to create your own story, be yourself and discover new interests along the way.

“I love the idea of being at an all-girls school as I knew I would learn how to be more confident in myself.”
Brenna, Class of 2024

At McAuley, girls don't just sit in the audience. They take center stage in the classroom, science lab, playing field and theatre. Surrounded by positive role models and abundant avenues for personal growth and development, girls cultivate the leadership and confidence skills needed to pursue a world of endless opportunities.

Recent research* reveals the strength in what McAuley has been providing for more than 60 years! Students in an all-girls learning environment are more likely to demonstrate:

  • Greater academic engagement
  • Higher confidence in mathematical ability and computer skills
  • Higher SAT scores
  • Greater interest in graduate school
  • Greater interest in engineering careers
  • Stronger predisposition towards co-curricular involvement
  • Greater political engagement

*Source: Fostering Academic and Social Engagement: An Investigation into the Effects of All-Girls Education in the Transition to University
Author(s): Tiffani Riggers-Piehl, Gloria Lim, Karen King
Institution: Higher Education Research Institute
Year of Study: 2018

According to the most recent U.S. Census, only a quarter of women make up the STEM field. Yet, at Mother McAuley, 100% of the young women take four years of science. In fact, College Board’s Advanced Placement program awarded Mother McAuley with the AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award in 2020, 2021 and 2022 for our work toward equal gender representation, one of only 818 schools nationally recognized this past year.