• This is registration for the class being offered during the 2025-2026 school year.
  • Your daughter must be 15 years old prior to December 1 or May 1 depending on the semester of Driver Education she is taking.
  • Enrolled Driver Education students must be in good academic standing. Students failing an academic course at the start of Driver Education will be denied enrollment.
  • There is an additional $20 permit fee collected via check or money order made payable to the Secretary of State. This fee will be collected when class begins.
  • Attendance is critical. Students are required to have 30 hours of classroom instruction. Excessive absences may result in removal from the class without a refund.
  • The Driver Education grade is not calculated into a student's Mother McAuley GPA.
  • This class meets in conjunction with a study hall. Students must have a study hall in order to enroll in Driver Education.
  • There is a fee of $105 for registration.
  • Students will receive their driver's permit at the end of the semester, upon successful completion of the course and their Illinois permit test.

Register for Driver Education


Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format

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