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Receive monthly news and updates from the McAuley Alumnae community by providing your email below, or add all of your contact information to receive mailings, including reunion news and the bi-yearly alumnae magazine, Inscape.
First Name
Maiden, if different than last name (optional)
Last Name
If applicable, would you like your mail addressed to your first name or preferred nickname?
i.e. Dr., Lieutenant, Ms., Mrs., etc.

Contact Information

My additional phone number is:
If applicable, which of the above numbers is your preferred phone?
Do you have a seasonal address?required

Alumnae Information

Are you a McAuley alumna? required
i.e. 2016, 1999
Do you have daughter(s) who attended or are attending Mother McAuley?required
i.e. Maggie Smith '23
Do you have additional family members who attended or are attending Mother McAuley or our predecessor, Saint Xavier Academy?requiredi.e. sisters, cousins, aunts, grandmothers
i.e. sisters, cousins, aunts, grandmothers
i.e. Agatha O'Brien SXA '52 (aunt), Catherine McAuley '78 (cousin), Jane Doe Smith '79 (sister)

Additional Information

Have you ever served in the military?