Daily Announcements

February 10 - 14

Monday, February 10

  • No School

Tuesday, February 11

  • Mac Nation… your lunch special today is….Taco Bar Tuesday
  • Attention Sophomores! Next Tuesday, February 18th and Wednesday, February 19th representatives from Herff Jones will be here before school and during lunch periods to place Junior Ring orders. Packets with more information have been distributed to you during your Theology classes. Please see Ms. Sullivan with any questions. 
  • Lend a Paw club is hosting a movie after school at 3pm in the dining hall. We’ll be watching Ratatouille, and tickets will be on sale for $3 during lunch periods today. All proceeds will go to the Best Friends Animal Society in Los Angeles, a nonprofit shelter that has been rescuing and evacuating animals amidst the wildfires in California. Grab a group of your friends and come join us for a fun time and help support a great cause!
  • Book Club is meeting on February 18th at 7:20AM in Room 117. Please join us to discuss the first section of The Lost Bookshop. Any questions, see Ms. Gralak.
  • Hola chicas! If you are attending the USHLI Conference with Latinas Lead, please check your email for updated information. All attendees must complete the additional "bus waiver form" by Thursday morning. See Ms. Paraga with any questions. Gracias!
  • Congratulations to Varsity Basketball who defeated DePaul Prep Saturday! 
  • Congratulations to the entire Bowling Team for an outstanding season, especially Senior Ellie Wood who advanced to Sectionals!
  • Cheerleading performed well at State taking 23rd place out of ALL  large division teams in the state of Illinois! Way to make us proud Mighty Macs!
  • There will be a Prayer Service with the option to receive Communion tomorrow in the 2nd floor Chapel at 7:30am. All students, faculty and staff are invited to start their day in prayer with the Lord.
  • Hey MacNation! Basketball play-offs are kicking off and we nee YOU to help fill the stands. Basketball begins their play-offs HERE at McAuley on Monday, February 17 at 7:30pm! The theme is "Mac-A-Thon" so get your best running gear ready. We will also hand-out Marathon numbers for you to attach to your shirts during lunch periods on Thursday and Friday this week. Remember Macs, Play-Offs is a Marthon, not a sprint. See you there!
  • Do you or your club have any announcements you would like included in this week’s edition of Mac Nation News? We will be filming Mac Nation News right after school today, so make sure your announcements are submitted before the end of 9th period. You can either fill out the form in Blackbaud, or email your request to Ms. Duffy directly. Please reach out to Ms. Duffy with any questions, and be on the lookout for Mac Nation News tomorrow during your lunch period!

Wednesday, February 12

  • Mac Nation… your lunch special today is….Fried chicken with baked beans
  • Attention Sophomores! Next Tuesday, February 18th and Wednesday, February 19th representatives from Herff Jones will be here before school and during lunch periods to place Junior Ring orders. Packets with more information have been distributed to you during your Theology classes. Please see Ms. Sullivan with any questions. 
  • Book Club is meeting on February 18th at 7:20AM in Room 117. Please join us to discuss the first section of The Lost Bookshop. Any questions, see Ms. Gralak.
  • Hola chicas! If you are attending the USHLI Conference with Latinas Lead, please check your email for updated information. All attendees must complete the additional "bus waiver form" by Thursday morning (tomorrow!). See Ms. Paraga with any questions. Gracias!
  • Congratulations to Kathleen Ilarraza for winning a verbal commendation at the 3,000-student international Model UN conference this past weekend and to the rest of the Mighty Mac Model UN team for their great work!
  • Hey MacNation! Basketball play-offs are kicking off and we nee YOU to help fill the stands. Basketball begins their play-offs HERE at McAuley on Monday, February 17 at 7:30pm! The theme is "Mac-A-Thon" so get your best running gear ready. We will also hand-out Marathon numbers for you to attach to your shirts during lunch periods on Thursday and Friday this week. Remember Macs, Play-Offs is a Marthon, not a sprint. See you there!